Cymbidium (50 Pieces FOB)


A Cymbidiums need lots of light and low temperatures. Only keep them indoors during autumn and winter. When inside, stand in a bright spot, such as a cool conservatory or windowsill, away from direct sunlight. Keep at about 10-15°C until the flower spike is well developed.


A Cymbidiums need lots of light and low temperatures. Only keep them indoors during autumn and winter. When inside, stand in a bright spot, such as a cool conservatory or windowsill, away from direct sunlight. Keep at about 10-15°C until the flower spike is well developed. Water your cyclamen plant only when the soil is dry to the touch, but do not leave the plant in this dry state so long that it shows visible signs of not being watered, such as droopy leaves and flowers. When you water the plant, water from below the leaves so that the water doesn’t touch the stems or leaves. In theory, cyclamen should become dormant in summer. As the weather warms, flowering stops and the leaves turn yellow. This is a sign that the plant wants to rest, so stop watering! To keep it dry, sit your plant on a windowsill, or on a covered balcony.


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