Begonia elatior-Hy (50 Pieces FOB)


Begonia (Tuberosa group) is a hybrid tuberous begonia encompassing 13 different types of summer flowering tender plants with colorful waxy petals. Flower shapes vary from camellia-like or carnation and differ in the number of petals (single, double), petal type (banded, ruffled) or habit (compact, weeping, cascading).


Begonia (Tuberosa group) is a hybrid tuberous begonia encompassing 13 different types of summer flowering tender plants with colorful waxy petals. Flower shapes vary from camellia-like or carnation and differ in the number of petals (single, double), petal type (banded, ruffled) or habit (compact, weeping, cascading). Begonia ‘Elatior’ hybrids do best in medium-light, well-ventilated rooms. – Watering correctly is important in the care of begonias – soil should remain moist, but not too wet. Water begonias at the base to avoid leaf spot and the possibility of fungal diseases on flowers. Light: Give your begonia plenty of bright light while it’s blooming, but keep it out of direct sunlight which can scorch its leaves. Water: Keep soil evenly moist, not soggy. Allow top inch of soil to dry between waterings. Water the soil directly, keeping the leaves dry. Begonias also require high humidity to thrive, a challenge when growing them indoors. … You also should not spray begonias with water, especially rex begonias. Misting does create humidity, but begonias are prone to powdery mildew, so it’s better to keep the leaves dry. There are no perennial begonias. There are forms that make great houseplants and will grow year-round indoors, but outdoors the plants are all unable to tolerate frost.


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