White (Hardneck) Garlic

According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) , garlic has traditionally been used to treat many health conditions, including:
  • high blood pressure.
  • high cholesterol.
  • heart disease.
  • different types of cancer.
SKU: White (Hardneck) Garlic Category:


White garlic is what you’ll typically see in most grocery stores. It comes from a variety called softneck garlic, meaning the stalk doesn’t grow through the center of the bulb. One garlic bulb will have cloves of all different sizes and shapes, with larger cloves around the outside and smaller ones in the middle. White garlic is a bulb in the Amaryllis family that is native to the Mediterranean region. Hardneck garlic is more flavorful and the cloves are bigger and easier to peel than softnecks. Softneck garlic, the kind usually found in supermarkets and often imported, has the best storage life and is easier to braid than hardnecks. Hardnecks or variety Ophioscorodon(Ophio) garlics are closer to the original heirloom strains of garlic and are more flavorful and healthier for you. Hardneck garlic tends to be hardier, with a richer, smoother and more garlicky flavor.


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