Purple Garlic

First, there are some characteristics that make purple garlic different from white garlic. It also has more pungency and a higher content in allicin, which is a substance with strong antibiotic and hypoglycemic effects and it’s also very antioxidant. Perfect for your health.

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Purple garlic has a purple hue to its papery skin, though the inner cloves are the same color as white garlic cloves. … The cloves grow around this stalk and tend to be all the same size — a bit larger than white garlic cloves. Purple garlic cloves are “juicier” and have a milder flavor than white garlic when fresh. Botanically, garlic (Allium sativum) is considered a vegetable. It belongs to the onion family, alongside shallots, leeks, and chives (2). Strictly speaking, a vegetable is any edible part of an herbaceous plant, such as the roots, leaves, stems, and bulbs. First, there are some characteristics that make purple garlic different from white garlic. It also has more pungency and a higher content in allicin, which is a substance with strong antibiotic and hypoglycemic effects and it’s also very antioxidant. Perfect for your health.


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